MTG-I satellite liftoff
and thermal links
Absolut System

MTG-I satellite liftoff and thermal links Absolut System

MTG-I satellite liftoff
and thermal links Absolut System


Absolut System took part in the construction of the MTG-I (Meteosat Third Generation) satellite, which will be launched by the Ariane 5 rocket on December 13, 2022!

Absolut System is proud to have contributed its cryogenic expertise to this major project, by supplying thermal links integrated into the Imager-FCI and Sounder-IRS cryostat. These thermal links physically connect the cryogenic cooler to the infrared detectors to be cooled.

MTG-I, the first imaging satellite in the Meteosat Third Generation program, is a revolution in weather forecasting in Europe and Africa.
It is the result of cooperation between the European Space Agency – ESA – and EUMETSAT. The aim is to ensure the continuity of high-resolution weather forecasting beyond 2040. The MTG satellites, manufactured by Thales Alenia Space in cooperation with OHB, will operate in geostationary orbit, 36,000 km from the Earth…

Teams from Absolut System, who participated in the creation of the MTG-I satellite by supplying the thermal links integrated into the Imager-FCI and Sounder-IRS cryostat, were in front of their screens to see the culmination of this major project!

This satellite will make it possible to rapidly detect and forecast extreme weather events in advance, in order to alert residents, authorities and rescue workers in Europe and Africa.