Thermal screening
radiative screens

Absolut System designs cryogenic panels and thermal envelopes for equipment, instrument and satellite test systems.

Écrantage thermique

Thermal screening
& radiative screens

Thermal screening & radiative screens

Absolut System designs cryogenic panels and thermal envelopes for equipment, instrument and satellite test systems.

Écrantage thermique

Active thermal envelopes

Active thermal envelopes


Thermal control system

Thermal control system

Thermal control system


Absolut System is a company with recognized expertise in the implementation of radiative and thermal screens for the space industry.

As part of a project for the ESA and in partnership with APCO, Absolut System designed and justified the thermal control system for the New Motion System – NMS.

The NMS is being developed to enhance one of Europe’s largest vacuum chambers, the Large Space Simulator at ESA / ESTEC Test Center. The NMS consists of two arms covered with cryogenic shrouds in which liquid nitrogen (80K, 12 bars under refrigeration) circulates.

The NMS is articulated on 3 axes, enabling large payloads to be handled and positioned in front of the solar flux during thermal environment testing.


Nitrogen distribution in
the thermal envelope


Nitrogen distribution
in the thermal envelope


We ensure optimum temperature management in a severe radiative environment thanks to an internal thermal control system including internal servo management.

Absolut System has developed a compact rotary joint (RNJ Rotary Nitrogen Joint) to deliver and restore nitrogen during continuous rotations. It represents one of the key technologies and unique innovations of the NMS design for ESA’s LSS.