Absolut System
at the Cryogenic Workshop

organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) on June 6 and 7, 2023 at ESA/ESTEC in the Netherlands.

organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) on June 6 and 7, 2023 at ESA/ESTEC in the Netherlands.

Event dedicated to space developments and current and future cryogenic space missions

Event dedicated to space developments and current and future cryogenic space missions

Event dedicated to space developments and current and future cryogenic space missions


This event highlighted the prospects of cryogenics for future Earth observation missions.

During this 8th edition, our teams presented 4 topics linked to current projects of the European Space Agency – ESA:

  • Vibration-free Turbo-Brayton 40-80K cryocooler.
  • Development of a compact, highly efficient heat exchanger for an inverted Turbo-Brayton cooler.
  • Development of CRYASSY, a compact, cost-effective cryogenic assembly for infrared instruments.
  • Overview of Absolut System thermal bonding assemblies developed for Earth observation instruments.


And two subjects in partnership with Thalès:

  • Design and testing of a miniature low-noise high-frequency pulse tube cooler.
  • LPT6510 flight qualification status


This workshop once again confirmed Absolut System as a key player in space projects.

Thanks to all! Elias Rehayem, Matthieu Dalban Canassy, Adina Ungureanu, Jérémy Berindei, Alexandre Godet, Thomas Hurot, Pierre Renaud, Abdeslam Bouakka-Manesse, Julien Tanchon, Thierry Trollier, Roel Arts