


SME run by 3 cryogenic engineers, Thierry Trollier (President), Julien Tanchon and Jérôme Lacapère (Managing Directors). Absolut System has been designing innovative, ultra-complex, customized cryogenic systems (between -180°C and -271°C) since 2010, and selling them worldwide.

Absolut System’s key technologies enable it to reach very low temperatures (from -180°C to -273°C), and it is recognized worldwide. Its know-how has enabled it to break new technological ground in a number of low-carbon energy fields (liquefied hydrogen, high-power wind turbines, mini nuclear reactors).

In 2020, Absolut System will begin industrialization, bringing unique, particularly innovative and high-performance cryogenic systems to market, with the ambition of placing cryogenic innovation at the service of accelerating the energy transition.

With its international scope and involvement in a number of strategic projects (ASCEND, H2 Hub Airport, Copernicus, etc.), Absolut System plays an active role in developing French sovereignty in the fields of space, environmental control, new energies (nuclear fusion, hydrogen) and quantum digital technology.


2023, July

Launch of EUCLID satellite

Absolut System took part in the launch of the EUCLID satellite, supplying 5 thermal links for the integrated near-infrared spectrophotometer. This tool measures the brightness and intensity of galaxies as a function of wavelength. The mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) is to map the structure of the Universe to help us understand matter and dark energy.

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2023, June

Winner of the first edition of the FrenchTech2030 program

Announced by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Noël Barrot, the Absolut Group has been selected as the winner of the first edition of the FrenchTech2030 program, which supports emerging players in disruptive innovation in economic objectives and technologies that are a priority for French sovereignty.

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2023, May

Winner of the “Première Usine” call for projects as part of the France 2030 Plan

Announcement made by the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. The aim: to enable the emergence of the first industrializations by innovative start-ups and SMEs, with a view to developing green industrialization.

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2023, June

Winner of the first edition of the FrenchTech2030 program

Announced by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Noël Barrot, the Absolut Group has been selected as the winner of the first edition of the FrenchTech2030 program, which supports emerging players in disruptive innovation in economic objectives and technologies that are a priority for French sovereignty.

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2023, January

Delivery of TRISHNA thermal braid to our customer AirBus DS

This thermal link is integrated into the cryostat. The aim of the project is to collect thermal infrared images of the Earth with unrivalled resolution and revisit frequency.

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2022, December

Thermal links for the launch of MTG-I-1

Absolut System supplies thermal links integrated into the Imager-FCI and Sounder-IRS cryostat on the MTG-I-1 satellite. These links connect the cryogenic cooler to the infrared detectors to be cooled. The MTG-I-1 satellite is the first imaging satellite in ESA and EUMETSAT’s Meteosat Third Generation Program, which aims to provide high-resolution weather monitoring beyond 2040.

More + >

satellite MTG-I-1

2022, November

VOL-V invests 12 million euros in the Groupe Absolut

The VOL-V Group, a major player in the energy and ecological transition sector, is investing 12 million euros in the capital of Groupe Absolut, a specialist in cryogenic technologies. This capital increase is designed to support the Groupe Absolut in accelerating its development.

Read the Press Release >

2022, October

Delivery of the first Pulse-Tube cold finger FM for the TRISHNA project

Developed in collaboration with Thalès Cryogenics BV, the LPT6510 cooler is fully equipped with our Pulse-Tube cold finger for increased robustness and reliability.

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2022, September

Helium purification and liquefaction system for magnetoencephalography

Installation and commissioning of a Helium purification and liquefaction system for the magnetoencephalography system at the neuroimaging platform of the CERMEP (Centre d’Exploration et de Recherche Médicales par Émission de Positons) in Lyon-Bron.

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2022, June

Development of a helium loop for cryogenic cooling of a 140K laser amplifier

Delivery of a helium loop for cryogenic cooling of a 140K laser amplifier at the STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) laboratories in England. This project used two unique technologies, based on Absolut System’s expertise: a cryogenic circulator and a venturi system. Energy-efficient superconducting cables are managed by our experts, who develop the technologies needed to make the cryocooling system viable for industrial operation.

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2022, April

Cryogenic pump for satellite engine cathodes. Customer SAFRAN

2022, November

VOL-V invests 12 million euros in the Groupe Absolut

he VOL-V Group, a major player in the energy and ecological transition sector, is investing 12 million euros in the capital of Groupe Absolut, a specialist in cryogenic technologies. This capital increase is designed to support the Groupe Absolut in accelerating its development.

Read the Press Release >

2022, September

Helium purification and liquefaction system for magnetoencephalography

Installation and commissioning of a Helium purification and liquefaction system for the magnetoencephalography system at the neuroimaging platform of the CERMEP (Centre d’Exploration et de Recherche Médicales par Émission de Positons) in Lyon-Bron.

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2022, May

Design and manufacture of superconducting cables through the SCARLET project

Absolut System is a member of the European SCARLET project, which aims to design and manufacture superconducting cables on an industrial scale. These cables enable very high power to be transferred in very small conductors, while using renewable electricity.

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2021, December

Creation of the Groupe Absolut and subsidiaries Absolut Sensing, Absolut Hydrogen and Absolut Quanta

Since 2021, Absolut System has been the technological development base of the Absolut Group. The Absolut Group comprises 3 other entities specialising in markets with high growth potential: hydrogen – via Absolut Hydrogen, NewSpace – via Absolut Sensing and quantum – via Absolut Quanta.


2021, October

Flight of the SES-17 satellite carrying our two-phase ammonia heat exchanger

The Absolut System exchanger is installed on the mechanical pumping loop (MPL) developed by Thalès Alenia Space.


2021, September

Installation of an 80K @ 20K test chamber for AIRBUS. Useful area of the cold plate= (500×500)mm2

2021, December

Creation of the Absolut Group and its subsidiaries Absolut Sensing, Absolut Hydrogen and Absolut Quanta

Since 2021, Absolut System has been the technological development base of the Absolut Group. The Absolut Group comprises 3 other entities specialising in markets with high growth potential: hydrogen – via Absolut Hydrogen, NewSpace – via Absolut Sensing and quantum – via Absolut Quanta.

2021, September

Installation of superconducting cables for rail transport

Commissioned by SNCF, Absolut System is taking part in the SUPERRAIL project. The aim is to install a superconducting cable on the Montparnasse train tracks. The cooling system for these cables is managed by our experts, who are developing the cryocooling system for industrial use.

View the project >


2021, May

Installation of the ERIS test bench at ONERA Palaiseau

This test bench consists of a vacuum chamber designed for research into electric thrusters. It recreates the environment of a satellite in orbit, enabling us to test the life and performance of space propulsion engines as closely as possible to real-life conditions.


2020, October

Delivery of two helium circulation loops, each with a capacity of 300W @ 20K

Delivered to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for cooling the plasma confinement coils being developed for nuclear fusion.


2020, September

Cryofan” cryogenic circulators on the market

The first of its kind to be integrated into the 150W @ 40K Helium circulation loop delivered to ESA/ESTEC. This loop is intended for cooling cold panels to establish the desired thermal environment in the LSS 5Large Space Simulator).



2019, April

First ACE-CUBE (Advanced Cryogenic Equipment) cryostat, installed at the Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory (PMC)

CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique joint laboratory. ACE-CUBE is a dry, cryogen-free cryostat based on the Absolut System family of helium cryocooling loops for low-temperature science.

cryostat ACE-Cube

2019, March

On-site acceptance testing of heat shields for the LSS (Large Space Simulator) NMS (New Motion System) robotic arm at ESA/ESTEC

Liquid nitrogen flows from the seismic table panels to the 2 articulated arms via rotating cryogenic seals, also designed and manufactured by Absolut System.


2019, January

Installation of a cryogenic pump for a satellite engine: 18 mg/s in xenon at SAFRAN in Vernon.

2019, March

On-site acceptance testing of heat shields for the LSS (Large Space Simulator) NMS (New Motion System) robotic arm at ESA/ESTEC

Liquid nitrogen flows from the seismic table panels to the 2 articulated arms via rotating cryogenic seals, also designed and manufactured by Absolut System.



2018, November

First flight model of IASI-NG thermal link delivered

Thermal link of the Atmospheric Probing Interferometer in the Infrared of the MetOp-SG satellite.

lien thermique de l’instrument IASI-NG

2018, October

Delivery of a 5 W cryostat at 40 K for the CNRS. Low vibration


2018, October

Delivery of the first flight model of the METimage instrument’s thermal link

(Meteorological Imager) on the MetOp-SG satellite.

2018, April

Delivery of thermal link flight models for the NISP instrument

(Near Infradred Spectrometer and Photometer) – consortium EUCLID.


2018, March

First flight models of thermal links delivered

FCI (Flexible Combined Imager) and IRS (InfraRed Sounder) cryostats on the MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) satellite.


2018, October

Delivery of the first flight model of the METimage instrument’s thermal link

(Meteorological Imager) on the MetOp-SG satellite.

2018, April

Delivery of thermal link flight models for the NISP instrument

(Near Infradred Spectrometer and Photometer) – consortium EUCLID.



2016, May

Delivery of a 100W @ 20K helium circulation loop to NEXANS

For cooling a superconducting cable demonstrator.



2014, May

Integration of the Absolut System SSC80 Pulse-Tube cooler in the RAPID camera

(ONERA/CEA-LETI/IPAG/LAM and SOFRADIR collaboration) and testing by IPAG on the PIONIER (Precision Integrated Optics Near-infrared Imaging) interferometric instrument of the Very Large Telescope at Mount Paranal in Chile (ESO).

integration-du-refroidisseur-pulse tube-absolut-system-ssc80-dans-la-camera-rapid

2014, April

Cryogenic system delivered to SODERN

Allowing wavefront measurements to be made on an optical component with a typical diameter of 130mm, cooled to temperatures of around 110-150K.



Delivery and on-site installation in New Zealand of a cooling system for a three-phase superconducting transformer

This innovative system uses a nitrogen thermosiphon subcooled by Gifford-Mahon machines. Cryogenic power 1.5kW@65K.

transformateur tri-phasé supraconducteur

2013, April

First CRYOMECH Helium Recondenser type HeRL PT415 (16 liters/day)

Delivered and installed by Absolut System on a PPMS Quantum Device cryomagnet with 1.9K insert and 14 Tesla coil. Delivered to the Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude des Matériaux (LPEM) / Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI).

premier-recondenseur-helium-cryomech-type herl-pt415


2012, December

Delivery of the first low-vibration 4K dry optical cryostat

Designed and manufactured by Absolut System for Raman electron spectroscopy experiments on superconducting single crystals – Temperature range 3K- 300K and pressure range 0.1 MPa -20 GPa. Delivered to Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, Université Paris Diderot VII.


2012, September

First production automatic dewars delivered

This liquid nitrogen cryostat enables macromolecular diffraction experiments to be carried out by cooling all forms of sample to 77K. It is integrated into a fully automatic macromolecular X-ray beamline at the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities) synchrotron facility.

livraison-des premiers-dewars automatiques-de-serie

2012, February

First helium circulation loop delivered to SOFRADIR (LYNRED)

For the cooling requirements of an optical characterization bench for infrared detectors. A total of 5 circulation loops will be delivered over the course of infrared detection chain projects for space applications, with cryogenic power ranging from 25W to 43W @ 50K.

premiere-boucle-de -circulation-helium-livree-sofradir-lynred

2012, September

First production automatic dewars delivered

This liquid nitrogen cryostat enables macromolecular diffraction experiments to be carried out by cooling all forms of sample to 77K. It is integrated into a fully automatic macromolecular X-ray beamline at the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities) synchrotron facility.

livraison-des premiers-dewars automatiques-de-serie


2011, July

First CRYOMECH helium liquefier

Type LHeP18 (18 liters/day) delivered and successfully installed by Absolut System at the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais – LNE


2011, February

First commercial maintenance business

Preventive and corrective maintenance (10 Gifford-MacMahon cryocoolers) of the P.I.V.O.I.N.E. 2G (Propulsion Ionique pour le Vol Orbital avec Interprétation et Nouvelles Expériences) national test facility of the CNRS ICARE (Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement).

cryocoolers Gifford-MacMahon

2011, July

First CRYOMECH helium liquefier

Type LHeP18 (18 liters/day) delivered and successfully installed by Absolut System at the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais – LNE.



2010, April

Creation of the company

Absolut System founded in Seyssinet-Pariset.

Absolut System _ logotype