Absolut System celebrates
its 14th anniversary!

A year of performance and development!

A year of performance
and development!

A year of performance and development!


From our humble beginnings to the present day, we’ve come a long way. Over the years, we’ve pushed the boundaries of cryogenic technology, opening up new avenues into the unknown and helping to shape a more sustainable and promising future.

Once again this year, Absolut System has been able to evolve and highlight its cryogenic expertise through new projects and innovative challenges in the fields of space, superconductivity, hydrogen and energy. Every project, every innovation, every success has been made possible by the passionate commitment and unrivalled expertise of our team.

Watch a video recap of the projects and highlights of the past year!

Thank you to our team, our partners and our customers for their trust and ongoing support. We can’t wait to start this 14th year with you!

Key figures for the past year:

Key figures for the past year:

Of employees
+ 0 %
Previous year's turnover
0 x

A year rich in projects and successes:

A year rich in projects and successes:

A year rich in projects and successes:

  • Crysalis project to develop a system for transferring and storing cryogenic propellants in microgravity.
  • AURORA project, with the design of the AOSI instrument on the AURORA-D mission to monitor the aurora borealis.
  • Design and production of the magnetic pre-cooler for the 400 MeV carbon ion cyclotron for cancer treatment.
  • S-VOL project for the development of a very low temperature and very low vibration test bench as part of the CNES Athena X-IFU project. This cryostat, designed by the Absolut System teams, cools bolometric detectors and tests them with a view to their integration in the Athena project’s observation telescope.
  • Development and production of a mechanical test bench for materials engineering and testing in the 20K region.
  • Winner of the BPI’s Première Usine call for projects to promote the industrialisation of the Groupe Absolut.